Monday, September 14, 2009

Effect of a night's overdose

As i sit at 2 am with my thoughts filled with QT, normal curves and its variances (strictly statistics), two things strike me as odd
a) When stats can be interpreted in any way u want the data to read, why go thru so much trouble?
b) Which sadistic statistician abbreviated the damn subject QT!!!

Hence i decided to chuck thinking on this line. I'll embrace the inevitable outcome of a cruel experiment whose results will again be expressed as mean, distribution curve and relative ranking!

Now here's one more opinion that is doing rounds. That engineers will find QT a piece of cake. first any engineering student reading this would mutter a 'bullshit' under his breath. second, engineers are programed to think analytically in as narrow a term as possible. To substantiate whatever comes as answer, gather proof for the same. If statisticians collect data, engineers make them up! Hence on behalf of all engineers, its still a screwed up subject.

There was an interesting debate on ethics and social responsibility of Leaders in last BS class. I got reminded of an earlier mail chain in office on ethics (a rare intellectual one - thought of u ppl now). I believe, ethics are prone to change and history is written by the winning side. Had Hitler gone on to win the WWII we'd probably be talking of ethics that demand the Jews be persecuted. I don't know how many know this, but major leaders and writers like Churchhill, Roosvelt, HG wells, Bernard Shaw believed in a concept of Eugenics (wiki it). Which essentially was similar to ideology of Hitler. So who's the bad guy?? What is social responsibility is defined by the demands of a time.

And strategy seems to be on everybody's lips here! but the one live strategy that is reaping benefits is my roomie's, i must admit. After a couple of pens and markers that I took for granted and borrowed on a long term, now he's gone for the pink strategy. A pink pen and a pink marker and all pink highlights makes it impossible to borrow without being caught red handed(ironically) :P Move over Blue ocean strategy, here comes Pink strategy! (sorry da, had to mention this)

Now that i have successfully piled on work load, thanks to the match(awesome) and some more essentials, here i'm in classroom ready to take the plunge. Bye for now, sleep and all :)

1 comment:

Priyanka said...

for now i'll only comment @the pink strategy
Ask Uma to get this copyrighted.. before sm1 starts a Pink Marker Campaign online...