Though tempted to use accounting parlance thanks to two HBR cases over the weekend, i restrain myself. Plan to do so sometime – accounting for dummies :P
Last Friday we had a day long marathon of Business Communication, a subject akin to dupatta for our bollywood heroines – Required, but no one cares. However in the first hour, there was a value judgement question on values and it kind of set me thinking. I’m not sure if there are any copyrights in this, but since it is not said so in so many words, i’ll risk the question anyway.
“One beautiful girl on an island wants to go the next island to meet her lover who is going away for many years.She approaches the ferry boat and requests the captain to take her to the other island – the ferry is the only means of communication. Since she does not have any money the ferry captain refuses. However, the captain says he will take her across, provided she sleeps with him. She refuses. She approaches Hermit 1 for advice. Hermit 1 tells her to decide on her own. She approaches the captain again, and agrees to his terms. She fulfils the conditions and reaches her lover’s island. The lover is happy finding her, and wants to know how she came since she did not have any money. She tells him, and her lover rejects her. She is tired and goes to hermit 2. Hermit 2 comforts her and gives her food. She wants to know how she can repay him. Hermit 2 says – you don’t have to repay me; I did my duty as a human.”
The question was something as to who we like the most and hate the most, without mentioning ethics or values. Of course a lot of people said a lot of stuff, but i thought there was much more to this than a simple discussion. The opinion of people kind of smoke out either the logical aspect or theatrical aspect of ppl (DP not included) that mirror the persona or so was the intent. But my point is what you perceive to be good does not mean that is a value for you.
The majority wanted to believe they liked the hermit 2 a lot. From a previous behavioural science test I also noticed most of them were type A personality, extremely competitive and more and more goal oriented.
The romantics wanted to believe they liked the lady a lot for she did what she did because she was in looveee. Somehow most of these people do not seem the type to subscribe for compromises. Most of them persons who get offended at the slightest hint of unfavourable situations.
The philosophical ones wanted to like hermit 1. Ironically most of them consulting aspirants!! I wonder how that option sounds in business decisions – do what you want, its your business. Since i actually know a hermt 1 character who’s only job when u are confused is to confuse you more by saying high fundu philo crap, I didn’t think it was a great idea. But again everyone is free to have their own opinion.
Ironically, no one liked the lover. Honestly, How many of us would have done the exact same thing under the circumstance?
The one character, who liked the captain cos he gained the most, somehow was extremely harshly judged. She being a good friend of mine, the line of thinking was apt for a very practical manager. But again, the “perceived value” part of it kept people from acknowledging the logical flow i guess.
Now here is my question. How can your perceived value be related to your actual values?! Its like saying just because u know what is good, u are good. If i were the most corrupt person who is trying to manipulate people the first thing i need to know is to identify the ‘good’ ones. So when people are actually trying to find out ‘good managers’ who can manipulate people in the best possible manner, i guess these tests hold good (Did u notice i never said what my answer was? :P)
Now just the other day someone commented on how judgemental I am. I totally agree and further confirm that the person who commented on me must be crazy :P When u are interested in people, u tend to draw conclusions extrapolate behaviours and finally come up with misconstrued opinions and land up with belied expectations. Its ok. Its perfectly natural, since every third person i met here say’s he/she likes to observe people.
There was a beautiful article on Sustainability that i wrote in the mid term. Not by marks, not by the handwriting, but by the honesty of the content. I meant every word of what i said and felt good writing for long with the flow not dictated by books. If only i can say everything i want to say Lot of small beautiful moments studding my vast sky of monotony and hardship. Reminds me of something i read recently.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson once asked what we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years. No one would sleep that night, of course. The world would become religious overnight. We would be ecstatic, delirious, made rapturous by the glory of God. Instead the stars come out every night, and we watch television.”
On that note i end a somewhat disorganized thought process.
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