One trimester over and here I am indulging myself in a movie marathon. After a bonfire and exercising my right to make a fool out of myself, I can’t help but think what has changed in the last 2 months!! (to what made me think of this, it was the dialogue “Its not who you are, but what you do that defines you” from batman begins) I can feel the change. Its in the form of jargons that I use, the way I break up the problem into concepts and the way I think letting your friend make a fool out of himself in front of a girl should not be stopped, since u never stop a competitor who makes a mistake :P But its extremely tough to study with nature’s breathtaking beauty around you :)
These are few truths realized in the trimester gone by in the most non academic way.
1) There are 3 types of people, the hard workers, the smart workers and those who think they are smart workers. I belong to the 3rd
2)Any professor who takes the time to develop his/her own theory, it pays off to paraphrase his viewpoints in class and ppts. Its not a suck up strategy but knowing your consumer needs say experts.
3)Professors who seem really friendly are the ones who are gonna screw you in papers
4)Any class, we can have A to Z varieties of DPs (Desperate Participation) and a combination of stuff too. I personally found it hilarious that people exhibit persistence, courage and a sense of conviction to ask such questions.
5)Bees love me. (Ph(f)oolish?) Courtesy of Keshav: With the number of bees around, tell me if this is a B-School or a Bee-School?
6)A smaller campus permits you to get up at 8.55 for a 9 class..
7)A 5 minutes ppt can be presented for 15 mins. If you have never seen the ppt before and u have to present it u can present it for half an hour.
8)Weekdays are better than weekends in terms of work load in a B-School
9)Exams that u need to write pages are the ones you generally don’t need to study much for.
10)All the horrible B-School experience based books, when they talk of staying up crazy hours, feeling you are slogging your posteriors off, are true.
Having said that, its a myth they actually work all that many hours.
11)Dilbert and Calvin philosophies work best in a B-School
12)After 4 years “Take it and Go” is again popular! History repeats itself
13) The key to reducing stress in an IIM is to have low expectations or be confident. I know, it sounds defeatist, but seriously, looking at a few friends slogging like crazy, its really tempting to tell them to google for some life and download the same!
After i slept off in front of comp while chatting with a friend midway thru post, i realized sleep is much more valuable than any movie, book or chat. 3 days of recuperation before the drill starts all over again.
D worst is yet to come.. :)
@ Gary: Well documented piece of reality....but dont worry you will get used to it ....
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