Sunday, January 6, 2008

Overstating the underplayed (whatever that means!!)

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson
Used by Nelson Mandela in his speech in 1994

When our MD quoted this at the end of his New Year pep talk, my first remark was “Oh!! That explains!!” To the bewildered people around me, I just offered the silly grin that has become characteristic with my PJs. It did kind of explain why people who score 45+ out of 50 in exams came out of the hall saying they are going to flunk (and then treat people fudges [;)]) or why my colleague and good friend claims she’s going to be torn apart in the appraisal while all she works is 18 hours a day (Damn, I should have got the video of her saying that!!). But since even I’ve been accused on the first charge and it is not just about the marks or the appraisal and somewhere in between modesty and humility gets smudged, I think the quote deserves much more thought.

Leave out God from the above quote to make it generic. Whenever any us feel good about ourselves we like to nurture the warm glow within our hearts. Is it the fear of letting it radiate and mutate into burning in someone else’s stomach? Or the constant weight of negative thoughts that ask us what if it doesn’t work that way? The rationale we like to offer to defend. The sure shot way to disprove is let someone else say the same about you. And your ego asks a hundred questions on the rights or the qualifications of the accuser to belittle you.

But does that mean we are to go around counting our chickens before the rooster even meets the hen? That we let people in on our own insecurities or doubts on what if we fail? That humility and modesty are unwarranted luxuries that serve only to anger the onlookers to whom your happiness is stark naked? I think the quote talks of all these between the lines.

Everyone has his or her own inhibitions and doubts to cope with. And at such times a lot of negative thoughts cloud the mind and makes us believe we are not capable and not just that, noone can! When at such a juncture, someone says it can be done and has been done and it brings in immense happiness, those who are on the verge of giving up will reconsider. Forget the disbelief or ridicule, but the ego retorts, if he can do it, so can I. There is no point in underplaying one’s achievements if by that you can instill in others a willingness to exert them towards excellence. Apparently this is what happens behind the scenes of the envy and acrid remarks the “modest” face. By being modest they are denying to let them be benchmarked for others to look up to. For others to try to succeed. For others to compete with. For others to taste glory.

I guess too heavy a philosophy, but the thought is lovely. The irony that everyone is identical in the fact that they want to be deemed unique.

What can be done? How would i know!! Its your life!! I muse, not preach.

Anyways, that is a quote cut out for these pep talks. Of course my MD would be horrified at how someone could go entirely off the target in grasping what he meant and go on to write a blog!! Tough luck Sir, that’s life, the answer to which is 14 (42 = life, the universe and everything ;) )*

Let me get back to watching the hopeless movies on Tv and drown India’s defeat by swearing at the umpires before I start one more week trying to do something to justify my salary.

Have a great week ahead!!

* The PJ was the brainchild (??) of my apartment mate. Since our company advocates reuse, I’ve shamelessly used it where there was no need. Just my way of appreciation [:P]

1 comment:

Stuffed Goofy! said...

1) that 14 thing was brilliant :D I mean, it takes some chancelessness i guess.
2)Hail your MD. Am not doing any blasphemy!
3)Even Bharkha Dutt fears. Feels she's inadequate. More than anything else, it's a self mechanism to keep you on check. May be there are other mechanisms. But this is the most natural. And what's natural is whats easy to carry on with.
4)Being benchmarked after the chicks are born, is fine. Thats when you serve as a role model too. The warm glow, till then is good enough to be nurtured within the heart. The reason- the mutation thing that you pointed out, neednt necessarily be the reason clinged to it.
5)Yes fudges remind me. :)

This is the best piece I ve read in quite sometime, trust me! Keep them coming, it's very refreshing.
Yes, if you're free, check my new blogrolls. It's got a whole lot of humor!