Friday, November 27, 2009

Out Cold and Not so Loving It!

After exhausting all the bad puns like getting cold feet, receiving cold shoulders and giving me the shivers, i decided to explain my first real winter in Shillong. For a normal guy from Chennai whose only definition of winter is to keep the fan at speed 4 instead of 5 - 2 room heaters, gloves, socks, cap etc is an overkill of some magnitude. Its 2-3 degrees in the night and 10-11 in the day. I can imagine all the log in US smirking “dude, you call that winter?” but let me assure you, people who have seen 0 of Delhi say this is worse.

What about the winter, I have a problem with, i wonder. I guess the answer is a long list. The fact that we have to wake up before 9 for class, fact that it gets dark at 4pm, fact that u just can’t stay awake, fact that u can’t walk around the campus without being covered in truckloads of clothing and swearing under your breath, trying not to shiver in front of specimens of the opposite sex – its seriously not so fun. To compound that, a problem probably that shouldn’t be mentioned here, but having to contemplate “doing your duty” in the evening time for the fear of ice cold water....

As very philosophically I observe, every cloud has a silver lining; its the gold digger who is disappointed by that. Amidst all this while I’m all cuddled up under the rajai with the laptop actually on my lap top, can’t help but think of the positives. Like the frequency of baths – just once a day is sufficient! (this is for all my classmates). An excuse to laze around without a reason. And how can i forget the oh so beautiful winter foliage of trees that are completely pink!! This place is beautiful.

You know, its not helping..I surrender. I just went out to get a book and i was squirming like a 3rd std kid who had a full bladder. Till two weeks ago, while the ppl from rest of India were wearing jerkins and sweaters, we south Indians were the studs walking around in T-shirts. Now u should see us :D Give me hot, burn the place down, call it hell, I would be just fine. But cold and to that assignment deadlines, talk of limits.

I now dread to think I’ll have to prepare for 9 exams on a trot in 2 week’s time in this cold after which, Oh wait! I’d be flying home! Yo Chennai! I miss you :( More so after I read the 2 states. Nice book. Loved it and was able to relate to most parts :D Guess we are like that only! Wonder how tough it would be to convince my parents for a punjabi girl.. :P

PS: Just wondering.. noone in mind :).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

waaiinnnnnn!!!!! :D