I’m bored. Not the I-Have-nothing-better-to-do bored nor is it the am-watching-jodha-akbar-the-2nd-time bored. I simply feel “Why the heck am I doing what I’m doing and why the hell is something better so not fun” feeling.
So I think I’ll kind of update a few minor highlights in my life and give my opinion on a few irrelevant topics to cheer myself up.
I conducted 3 telephonic interviews in one day! It probably doesn’t seem a big deal, but to me, I was all grins when I was asked if I could. All 3, more experienced than me and I had to do a screening on skill set which for some odd reason, they believe I have. When my TL asked me if I can, I managed a “ok, I’ll see if I am free” while inside I was all like “Buwahahaha”! I did my homework – Roadies auditions on youtube and a whole lot of Dilbert [:D]! They say power corrupts - but hey, I’m above that!! (Buwahahaha)
Attended a time management training. Sounds lame? I thought so too. But it was surprisingly good. Had a few takeaways from it and now I find myself having time for work amidst reading blogs and donating rice for the needy at freerice.com :D. But ya, kind of resonated with the sentiments on work life balance and resolved to take time off to bridge ties and save bonds across.
Which brings me to my Public relations part. Not that I’m competing for any popularity contest, but if I were, I would have been screamed at by really rude judges which would have got media coverage on Times now for 2 whole days! I’ve been quite preoccupied lately. Meaning my social life is akin to E-Coli – in deep shit. The realization came when I pinged a real good friend of mine on gchat [After some 3 weeks of seeing her online, I pinged her in invisible mode] and realised she was in US and about to be married! Vaguely remembered a call while I was in a telecon that I cut and a mail asking for my current number that i didn't reply to [Am really sorry re. Congratulations]. After that harsh awakening, [where i was virtually screamed at after the initial pleasantaries] I’ve decided to take the initiative and call people once in a while.
I got a dog back home. Binny – a cross of spitz. He kind is of the opinion its fun to lick me awake at ungodly hours and get screamed at. Blame it partly on the pampering he gets around the house. Amazing distraction. Too bad I get to spend time with him only every second weekend. But nice to know someone gets all happy to see you and can’t wait to jump on you and welcome you. I mean, of course, I wouldn’t want people jumping on me to welcome me and definitely no licking!!! A smile is sufficient :)
Watched a couple of good movies recently. Wednesday was too good and the tamil movie Saroja was fun. In addition rewatched the Dark Knight some 4 times [it’s the best movie of all times in my opinion].
I have some 3 unfinished blogs still on my system. [one of which is pretty damaging to a friend(??) of mine :P] Am one of those strange people who gets writer’s block in the middle of a piece! That’s why shelved anything subjective and just randomly musing.
That’s it for now. Feeling better already and actually a report I’m supposed to be working on beckons.
Adios! Have fun and God bless.
You write well :)
thank you :)
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