Scene 1: (Some 2 years ago)
“Gary! Look!! 8 ‘o Clock!!”The excitement in the voice being infectious, I took my best guess and found what could be better left described as “thing” and with a shake of my head conveyed “Bad Taste!! Cha! I feel sorry for you.. Tch”
Obviously a very frustrated friend of mine muttered between grinding teeth “That was 4 ‘O CLOCK!!”
And then I tried to salvage some pride by reasoning ”You never mentioned whether it was your 8 or mine!! How would I know..” By this time my brain caught up with my tongue the damage was done and while it admonished the tongue, put on a silly expression to display.
(for those of you who didn’t get the reason for the silly look, he was sitting in front of me and so 8’O clock his or mine, will never make a 4.. Welcome to the club :D)
Word spreads and soon after, I began to be tested by some really jobless creatures (for want of better term) put on this world, on which direction I’m facing and stating stuff like why one shouldn’t be brought up on digital watches!!
Scene 2: (a month back)
My roomies were performing an online airline reservation and I happened to be there lazing around. This was their conversation.
“Hey which seat do I take?”
“Wait. The flight is headed north east during the day which means the sun will be to the east side that would mean on your left. So a right window seat must be perfect. Had it been going west..”
Following a silence I look up to find both my roomies giving each other knowing looks and before the realization sunk in, this is what happened:
“Gary.. “ said both together and one started laughing holding his stomach and the other was rolling on the floor laughing.
First up, I’m not directionally dyslexic (if even that condition exists). I can read a map with the legend and the knowledge of the fact that west Bengal lies to east of India. Other than that, I’ve never had the need to know what direction I’m facing or in which direction I should head to reach a place (I can always ask and well, Magellon did prove the fact that earth is spherical). So whenever someone goes into the serious tone and says “You should not lack direction in your life”, I end up grinning.
Now the clock, I can read time and that serves my purpose. I can’t see myself flying a Mig anytime in the near future to be given directions in O’Clock. I’m not even interested in the simulator games!! Of course I can interpret but just that I take my own sweet time to decipher. So if you want me to get to look at some thing, in time, don’t use time. I can always get the broad picture (pun intended)
So the next time someone is going to say “Look! 20* north of west at an azimuth of 40*!!” I’ll possible yawn and say “Shut up”. I’m never THAT curious. [:D] I simply don’t care J
PS: The heading, I realized Columbus probably used all the compasses and stuff to head in the direction he did. So stop analyzing it too much :D