As I have come to observe, thanks to 5 different books we were asked to read and a class which gives the 6th view, that everybody has a Goddamn opinion on Marketing! Agreed they are experts and have done some research to coin words that’s accepted as buzz word. So I thought let me also try to put into words how I understand the current consumerism works from the perspective of a consumer.
We have changed from adjusting with what you get to demanding what we need. Its more like a shift in the marriage trends - from arranged to love- making the best out of what you get and choosing what you want. Now comes the complication of what in the whole wide world does a customer/consumer want?
Earlier people used to 'buy' commodities. Now a days they go shopping. What is the difference? The consumer is no longer a person who has needs to be met but wants his needs met in style. He now likes to be wooed, to be impressed, to make businesses put an effort to please him - visually(packages), economically(pocket friendly), with 'value addition' and in other words to be courted. And how does the consumer react? Like the most unfaithful lover, he basks in the attention and blatantly sidelines the last product that made him feel special!
Now comes the concept of brands. Someone captures the attention, engages you in multiple 'dates' manages to win a place in the heart of the consumer. Its like a speed dial on your mobile, the name you automatically remember. The consumer is willing to go for your brand despite the other brands that try to woo him with offers and features. That’s being in a relationship - brand relationship to be precise.
As every relationship grows, there comes expectations. Expectations from the consumer for lower prices , increased features, more attention and being made feel special. Now if the brand cannot do that, thanks to pressure from competitors or their own constraints, you're looking at a marriage on the rocks. Brand loyalty needs to earned and trust me, businesses are working hard to save the relationship. Thankfully, atleast here, insecurity is not the spoil sport :)
If you look at the trend of brand loyalty in recent times, its dwindling at a rate more than the skirts of bollywood heroines! Add to it the amorous tendencies of both, the brands and the consumers and you have a concoction with more potency than gin and tonic to give you a high. However, the stress in this field is so much that more and more marketing managers are tiring out much before their finance and operations counterparts. But the adrenaline rush, the uncertainty, the glamour coefficient sure hooks most people.
At the end of the day, its all business and everything is fair in love and war. Whether you see it as love or war, the subject has its appeal. Hope the enthusiasm doesn't get curbed with too much definitions and theory, that I basically suck at :)
Disclaimer: I'm a novice who has probably read a few pages in books and blogs and fallen for marketing hard. All views are my own and not to be related with the classroom teachings (my prof will kill me!). All types of inputs are welcome :)